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REI Staff

The editorial staff REI Co-op is a team of passionate editors, writers and producers. We’re dedicated to covering the outdoors: the people who inspire you, the issues and events impacting our community, the skills and gear you need for your next adventure, and the places you want to go. Learn more about our editorial guiding principles.

Stories by REI Staff...

How to Stay Warm with #NeckSwag

It’s winter time. You know it, we know it, and your neck definitely knows it. Skiing, cycling, and running are all fun until that one sneaky breeze sets its ...
Wild Alaska

Find Away: Episode 5 – Wild Alaska

Patagonia Snowboard Ambassador Ryland Bell and friends had a simple plan: leave from the harbor in Haines, boat across, bushwhack, bivy then ride the sexy spine...
REI Member Story

Reflections From a 75-Year REI Member

Chuck has been an REI Member since 1940 when he began climbing peaks around the Pacific Northwest. His first Mount Rainier climb was in 1940 while taking a loc...
Building a Yurt

Building a Yurt in Montana

Sean and Mollie Busby are used to living a simple lifestyle. But after being on the road in their motorhome, the couple decided to find more permanent roots and...
Boards N' Fjords

Boards ‘N Fjords

“It’s hard to keep everything jibing and in sync. But when the entire family is healthy and the bills are paid, these elusive moments of contentment settle in. ...