President Trump Announces Temporary Deal to Reopen Government Michelle Flandreau|January 25, 2019 On Jan. 25, President Trump announced a short-term deal to end the longest partial government shutdown in the country's history.
Top-Rated Trails From HOKA ONE ONE’S Athletes Jess Daddio|January 23, 2019 HOKA's athletes have run all over the world. From local loops to faraway destinations, learn the scoop on seven of their favorite trails.
The Trust for Public Land: Crisis in our National Parks Diane Regas|January 22, 2019 Diane Regas, president and CEO of The Trust for Public Land, weighs in on the government shutdown's impact on national parks.
Electric Bikes Are Having a Moment. Here’s Why. Julie Brown|January 22, 2019 Trends show that electric bicycles are seeing exponential growth in recent years. Research sheds light on who is riding e-bikes, and why.
Jasmin Paris on Her Record-Setting Win of Britain’s Montane Spine Race Cassidy Randall|January 18, 2019 The 35-year-old ultra athlete and new mom shares what it was like to dominate the challenging 268-mile course that's lovingly known as Britain's most brutal race.
Mindfulness with John Allcock Shelby Stanger|January 16, 2019 Every morning teenagers from the Sea Change Preparatory School in San Diego meet at the beach for a mindfulness practice and an open ocean swim. For John Allcock, mindfulness and swimming go hand in hand.
Mountain Biking is Booming in Appalachia—But What Does It Take to Get Trails Built? Jess Daddio|January 14, 2019 Throughout Appalachia, towns are embracing multiuse trail projects to help diversify their economies and improve community wellness.
‘This is so hard on the small communities’: The Shutdown’s Economic Toll Jenni Gritters|January 12, 2019 As the government shutdown enters its fourth week, rural communities like Ashford, WA, near Mount Rainier National Park, are feeling the economic impact.
American Alpine Club: Small Businesses that Rely on Access to National Parks and Public Lands are Hurting Phil Powers and Mark Butler|January 11, 2019 The American Alpine Club explains how the partial government shutdown is impacting tourism-based economies and small businesses.
Jerry Stritzke: Our National Parks Need Our Help Jerry Stritzke|January 11, 2019 REI President and CEO Jerry Stritzke shares what recreationists can do to support our national parks in the midst of the government shutdown.
Climber Craig DeMartino on falling, losing a leg—and coming out better for it Hilary Oliver|January 11, 2019 The film “Craig’s Reaction,” explores climber Craig DeMartino’s comeback story from amputating his leg to becoming an adaptive national champion. Here, he shares his take on how our decisions—not our circumstances—define us as people.
Are Experiences for Women Making the Outdoors More Inclusive? Cassidy Randall|January 9, 2019 Are experiences for women effective in leveling the playing field, or do they fail to facilitate true integration of women in adventure sports?