Take the Holidays Outside Tracy Ross|December 12, 2014 For those not traveling home for the holiday season, consider exploring the outdoors as a trade-off.
Tips for Winter Biking – Part 2 Stephen Regenold|December 6, 2014 Winter biking can be tough. But with the right attitude and a requisite tolerance for some pain you can keep pedaling no matter how much the mercury drops.
The Winter Outlook for the Western U.S. Cliff Mass|December 2, 2014 The big question right now for outdoor enthusiasts in the western U.S. is when and how much snow will fall for outdoor recreation this winter.
Alpine Multisport: Ski Mountaineering Kelly Cordes|November 25, 2014 Ski mountaineering is a way to climb a mountain without the effort of walking down.
Lynsey Dyer Shares Her Experience With ‘Pretty Faces’ REI Staff|November 21, 2014 An interview with Lynsey Dyer on "Pretty Faces" -- the first all-female ski movie.
Slickrock & Singletrack: Mountain Bike Meccas of Fruita and Moab Matt & Agnes Hage|November 20, 2014 Plan your next mountain bike adventure in the desert of Utah on these epic trails.
Tips for Winter Biking – Part 1 Stephen Regenold|November 17, 2014 Winter biking can be tough. But with the right attitude and a requisite tolerance for some pain you can keep pedaling no matter how much the mercury drops.
Trail Running the Enchantment Lakes Traverse Jason Hummel|October 29, 2014 The Enchantment Lakes Traverse is a great trail running option in Washington. Jason Hummel shares his trail run in this alpine wilderness.
Backpack Canyoneering Paria Canyon, Utah Jason Hummel|October 27, 2014 Paria Canyon, Utah is a great place for beginner canyoneers and backpackers. The 5 day hike covers about 42 miles e through beautiful canyons.
A Guide To Enjoying Dry Tortugas National Park Alyson Boyer Rode|October 23, 2014 Plan on exploring Dry Tortugas National Park? Check out Alyson Boyer Rode's checklist to ensure you have a great time exploring this unique park.
A Brief Guide to The Enchantments in the North Cascades Jason Hummel|October 17, 2014 Jason Hummel provides information on getting into Washington's popular Enchantments alpine wilderness.
Mountain Biking Eastern Washington Ian Coble|October 14, 2014 Mountain biking in the wilderness helps cover terrain while enjoying the outdoors and adventure.