Top Guide Follows in Dad’s Footsteps Tracy Ross|April 23, 2015 An REI Adventures guide shares his experience on growing up going on REI Adventures trips with his father.
Trail Etiquette: Who Has the Right of Way? Casey Schreiner|March 18, 2015 Be respective of your fellow hikes with common trail etiquette to follow.
America’s Best Desert Dayhikes: Little Wild Horse and Bell Canyons Loop Trail, San Rafael Swell, Utah Brendan Leonard|November 22, 2014 Navigate through Utah's canyons for a unique hiking experience.
Slickrock & Singletrack: Mountain Bike Meccas of Fruita and Moab Matt & Agnes Hage|November 20, 2014 Plan your next mountain bike adventure in the desert of Utah on these epic trails.
America’s Best Desert Dayhikes: Chesler Park Loop, Canyonlands National Park Brendan Leonard|November 13, 2014 Chesler Park Loop takes you to the desert for a day of hiking in and out of canyons.
America’s Best Desert Day Hikes: Devils Garden Primitive Loop, Arches National Park Brendan Leonard|November 6, 2014 Devils Garden Primitive Loop Trail is a great way to experience a day in the national park without retracing your steps.
Backpack Canyoneering Paria Canyon, Utah Jason Hummel|October 27, 2014 Paria Canyon, Utah is a great place for beginner canyoneers and backpackers. The 5 day hike covers about 42 miles e through beautiful canyons.
Four Epic Trails in Utah’s National Parks Casey Schreiner|September 29, 2014 Planning a trip or heading to Utah soon? Put these four trails in Utah's national parks on your itinerary.
Exploring Moab by Bike With Woman Tours REI Staff|September 11, 2014 Watch REI members bike Moab with Woman Tours.