
Airstream Life: JHK and Heather Irmiger

Heather Irmiger and Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski (also known as JHK), a husband-wife mountain biking duo, had been racing internationally for years. After deciding to change to a North American racing schedule, they realized a need for some sort of living situation that would work on the road. After some thought and a quick search online, they were the proud owners of a 25-foot Airstream Travel Trailer.

They now spend the majority of their year living on the road and going from race to race. Their two dogs, Brava and Kobi, both travel with them. When Jeremy and Heather aren’t on the road they reside in Boulder, Colorado.

Check out a few photos of their setup, and watch the video below:






Story courtesy of Goal Zero. Source: http://www.goalzero.com/solarlife/2014/11/20/airstream-life-jhk-heather-irmiger/

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