Semi-Rad: 10 Questions to Ask “Was It Fun, or ‘Fun’?”

Ever ask yourself why you’re in the middle of nowhere, away from the comforts of city life? You push physical and mental limits; well here are ten questions to ask yourself if you’re having fun or “fun.”


1. When were you first able to laugh about it?

a. During? = Fun
b. Not until 2-10 days later? = “Fun”

2. Are you still friends when you get back to the parking lot?

a. Yes = Fun
b. No
c. Maybe = “Fun”

3. What was your pain level on a scale of 1-10?

a. 1 to 5 = Fun
b. 6 to 10 = “Fun”
c. 11 = Not Applicable

4. Where is your bicycle now?

a. At home with some dirt, scratches? = Fun
b. In a dumpster? = “Fun”

5. Did you poop?

a. In a leave-no-trace 6-inch cathole? = Fun
b. In your pants, on your gear, or on a friend or other human? = “Fun”

6. Did anyone at any time refer to what you were doing as “mountaineering”?

a. Yes = “Fun”
b. No = Probably Fun

7. Did you bleed, cry, vomit, curse, itch and/ or melt down at any time?

a. Yes = “Fun”
b. No = Fun

8. Did your tent:

a. Stay in one piece? = Fun
b. Collapse in the high winds or under heavy snow or flood? = “Fun”

9. What did you do with your pants when you got home?

a. Washed them? = Fun
b. Burned them? = “Fun”

10. How long were you in the snow cave?

a. 1 to 2 nights? = Fun
b. 3 to 10 nights? = “Fun”

For more information on different types of fun, check out The Fun Scale.

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