Asheville’s Best Mountain Biking Isn’t Where You Might Think Graham Averill|June 19, 2019 Beyond popular Bent Creek Experimental Forest, there are a handful of trail systems offering high-quality mountain biking without the crowds near Asheville.
Unfinished Business on the TransVirginia Bike Route Jess Daddio|May 21, 2019 A bikepacking trip is not all or nothing, start to finish. Sometimes, we encounter a space between that keeps us humbled, determined and hungry.
Hellbender Denied Listing as Endangered Species, but Still in Peril Graham Averill|May 20, 2019 Following a 10-year study, the hellbender salamander is not being listed as an endangered species, but scientists insist the animal is under threat.
The South Beyond 6,000 is the Southeast’s Toughest Hiking Challenge Graham Averill|April 18, 2019 A mission that leads hikers up some of the tallest mountains on the East Coast has attracted the interest of runners looking to set a speed record.
Best Hikes Near Austin Kristen Arendt|April 17, 2019 With miles of downtown trails and plenty of hikes to choose from in the nearby Texas Hill Country, Austin provides many options for hikers to explore.
48 Hours in Austin: Ditch the Car, Embrace the Unknown Jonathan Olivier|March 29, 2019 Walking or riding a bike to access outdoor recreation can provide a more intimate urban experience than you might get using a car.
Here’s How Whitewater Season is Shaping Up in the Southeast Graham Averill|March 15, 2019 American Whitewater just announced the timed releases of hydroelectric dams in the Southeast, providing a preview of the season for rafters and kayakers.
Put a Hike to This North Carolina Lookout Tower on Your List Graham Averill|March 1, 2019 Fire lookout towers like the one at Rich Mountain were once the primary source of fire detection in North Carolina. Now, the Forest Fire Lookout Association, in collaboration with local nonprofits, has begun restoring them.
Updates Planned for Mountain Bike Trails in North Carolina’s Pisgah Ranger District Graham Averill|February 13, 2019 In the coming year, three iconic mountain bike trails in North Carolina's Pisgah Ranger District will receive critical updates thanks to the Recreational Trails Program.
How to Explore Big Bend National Park Jonathan Olivier|January 31, 2019 Experience the best of southwest Texas’ diverse terrain in this monumental park straddling the border with Mexico at a curve in the mighty Rio Grande.
Top Picks for North Carolina Fall & Winter Camping Graham Averill|January 24, 2019 North Carolina is a geographically diverse state—from its sand dunes to its jagged peaks. Here are some of N.C.'s top fall & winter camping destinations.
Mountain Biking is Booming in Appalachia—But What Does It Take to Get Trails Built? Jess Daddio|January 14, 2019 Throughout Appalachia, towns are embracing multiuse trail projects to help diversify their economies and improve community wellness.